Element List | Explanation |
Introduction | The Board of Directors of Tabuk Agricultural Development Co., is pleased to invite the shareholders to participate and vote in the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (the third meeting), which will be held on Monday 30/12/2024 corresponding 29/06/1446H at 18:30 , via modern technology means |
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting | Through modern technology means from the Company’s head office in Tabuk. |
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location | Click Here |
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting | 2024-12-30 Corresponding to 1446-06-29 |
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting | 18:30 |
Methodology of Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting | Via modern technology means |
Attendance Eligibility, Registration Eligibility, and Voting End | Shareholders who are registered in the issuers shareholders record at the Depositary Center by the end of the trade session prior to the general assembly meeting and in accordance with the laws and regulations. The right to register a name to attend the general assembly meeting ends at the time of convening the general assembly meeting. The attendees right to vote on the items of the assembly’s agenda ends upon the end of screening the votes by the Screening Committee. |
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting | According to Article (32) of the company’s bylaws, “The third meeting shall be valid regardless of the number of shares represented in it...” |
General Assembly Meeting Agenda | 1. Vote on amending the company’s bylaws in accordance with the new companies’ bylaws and rearranging and numbering the articles of the company’s bylaws; To comply with the proposed amendments (attached).
2. Vote on amending Article No. (18) of the company’s bylaws, regarding the Powers of the Board. (attached). 3. Vote on amending Article No. (20) of the company’s bylaws regarding the Chairman of the Board of Directors, his deputy, the secretary, and the CEO - the Chairman of the Board of Directors and his deputy. (attached). 4. Vote on adding Article No. (23) to the company’s bylaws regarding the Appointment of the Managing Director or CEO and Secretary and their powers (attached). 5. Vote on amending Article No. (30) of the company’s bylaws regarding the Voting and its method in assemblies (attached). |
Proxy Form | ![]() |
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right | The Shareholders have the right to discuss the topics on the agenda and ask questions. Shareholders can remotely vote on the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting’s agenda via (E-voting service), through Tadawulaty using the following link: WWW.TADAWULATY.COM.SA
Details of the electronic voting on the Assembly’s agenda | Shareholders registered on the Tadawulaty Services website will be able to vote electronically remotely on the General Assembly’s Meeting Agenda through the (Electronic Voting) service, which will start from Thursday morning (01:00 AM) dated 26/12/2024 corresponding 25/06/1446H until the end of the assembly time. The registration and voting on the Tadawulaty platform are freely available for all shareholders by using the following link: : WWW.TADAWULATY.COM.SA |
Method of Communication in Case of Any Enquiries | In the event of an inquiry about the association’s terms, we hope to contact the Shareholder Relations Department, phone number 0144500000, ext. 103, or email: magdy.abdellatef@tadco-agri.com |
Attached Documents | ![]() |