Element List | Explanation |
Announcement Detail | Further to Tabuk Agricultural Development Co. announcement on Tadawul dated 08/12/2024 Corresponding to 07/06/1446H regarding the invitation of The Board of Directors of Tabuk Agricultural Development Co. to all shareholders to participate in the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting the (Third Meeting) which will be held virtually through the contemporary technology means at 6:30 PM on Monday 30/12/2024 Corresponding to 29/06/1446 H.
The Company is pleased to remind its valued shareholders that the E-voting on the Agenda of the mentioned Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting will start at 01:00 AM on Thursday, 26/12/2024 Corresponding to 25/06/1446H, and will remain open until the end of the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting. Please note that the voting on the agenda items of the Meeting will be conducted electronically solely through the Tadawulaty platform by using the link: http://www.tadawulaty.com.sa For inquiries about the EGA meeting, please feel free to contact the Company abut the EOGA meeting via: Phone number: 0144500000 Ext.103 Or Fax No. 0144500025 Or Email: magdy.abdellatef@tadco-agri.com
The company stresses to the honorable shareholders the importance of attending the assembly meeting and voting on the agenda items, noting that the amendment to the articles of association is aimed at harmonizing with the new companies Law issued by the Ministry of Commerce.
It is most important to note that the remaining period for companies to amend the articles of association in accordance with the provisions of the new companies Law will end on January 18, 2025. God is the Grantor of success. |